Saturday, April 27, 2013

Reasons I love my HR class...

1.  They are so easy to scandalize.  The first time they came over, I fed them raw broccoli (which I still hear about sometimes when we eat in the dining hall...)  Tonight, it was being barefoot outside.

2.  They all tell me how cold it is.  ARE YOU KIDDING??  It's 54 degrees!!  That's about eighty degrees warmer than it is two thirds of the year here!

3.  When my dvd player would only play movies in Chinese with Chinese subtitles, they decided that we should do something else.  Like play games outside.

4.  They are the only class that I trust to leave in my apartment while I over a stairwell and up six flights of stairs to get a frisbee...  with just the instructions, "Lock the door when you come out!  I'll see you outside!"

I'm pretty fond of them.  ^_^

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