Friday, April 26, 2013

Deepest fear part 2

These are from my last class, broken up by which student wrote it.  The last one is very... different.  I'm very curious about what goes on in that student's head.

My deepest fear is someone I care leave me away,

and I got no reason,

I don't know why the person leave me away.

I afraid to ask anyone for help,

because I think maybe someone I asked unwilling to help me,

and don't care me.

It happened long ago.

You know the life is lonely

because people is a one not many.

My deepest fear is that my friend don't care me.

My deepest fear is my love be hurt.

My deepest fear is lose my friend.

It's very terrible.

I can't stand it.

But I love them.

My deepest fear is that I say something but no person can understand.

My deepest fear is that I haven't know about myself.

My deepest fear is that I am not aware of my behavior.

My deepest fear is that people like families and friends

can't understand me for my strange thoughts.

My deepest fear is that my friends leave me alone.

My deepest fear is that people I love don't need me now.

My deepest fear is that my parents are ill.

My deepest fear is that stay at darkness alone.

It has happened before, but I can't do anything.

I can only let it has its swing.

My deepest fear is that I will grow up.

My deepest fear is that I have no friend.

My deepest fear is that I still here alone

My deepest fear is everyone are very happy,

but only me at a sad corner.

My deepest fear is because of some of my words

hurt the people who I love.

My deepest fear is that lots of cars

go across me when I stand in the center street.

It may be one car can make me die.

My deepest fear is that my parents is getting old.

My deepest fear is that someday in the future

I will live alone.

My deepest fear is that I don't have power to fight

Against with dark.

My deepest fear is when I say something is true

People don't believe me,

But when I tell a lie

They will believe.

My deepest fear is that I don't know how to do.

It happened, everything will be out of control.

My deepest fear is that my love leaving from me.

My deepest fear is that nobody company me

Leave me alone in the darkness.

My deepest fear is that the word I want to tell you

But I am fearing.

My deepest fear is that I think everything is wonderful

But true is not like that I want.

My deepest fear is that the distant between you and me.

My deepest fear is that we meet again finally

But we don't know to talk something.

My deepest fear is that the disappointed eyesight from your eye.

My deepest fear is that I regret.

My deepest fear is that my word will hurt you.

I'm hard working and hard working with improve.

Do you believe it or not?

And I'm ugly and short and don't good at sport.

But who care about it?

One day, I can be the one.

Or just evil.

Who can tell me what is most success?

I afraid, afraid that I have nothing.

And lonely forever.

Don't care. Maybe I just a cheater.

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