Monday, April 29, 2013

Life application?

We were on an extremely bumpy and loud bus driving through the city, across the aisle from each other.

"Hey, Hannah!"


"This morning I was reading in Psalm 68 or 69 and it was talking about how the rebellious live in a dry land... but He makes it rain on the land where His people live."

"Oh?"  I wasn't sure where this was going or if it was just a report.  We both had pulled out devices at this point and were looking through the Psalms trying to find exactly what he was talking about.

...the rebellious dwell in a parched land...
Rain in abundance You shed abroad,
You restored Your inheritance as it languished,
Your flock found a dwelling in it.
(Ps 68:6, 9, 10)

"And I was thinking," he said, "how that's like today.  We were going to go camping but instead it's raining and the ground is all wet.  But we're His people.  It's like that."

I was still scanning the passage around those verses.  

"Hopefully Psalm 69 isn't for tomorrow.  Save me! For the waters have come up to my neck. I sink in deep mire, wehre there is no foothold; I have come into deep waters, and the flood sweeps over me."

Today we're going camping, hopefully without swimming lessons.  
