Thursday, February 21, 2013

Thoughts on being back in Changchun

(This post should probably be titled "A Study in Contradictions.")

YAY home.
Wow I forgot how my apartment looked.
It's so clean! ...except for the one dish in the sink.
How does the bathroom sink get gross when no one is here?
Hello, spider.
A netbook is huge... at least in comparison to an ipod...
Oh... Great Firewall.  
It's warm here.  (SIXTEEN DEGREES!!! AT NIGHT!!)
How do I turn on the heat in my living room again?
I need to add money to my phone and buy food.
I have a kitchen again!  And hot water and therefore hot chocolate.
Poor Finn... I have a maintenance job list going for when he gets back.
I'm ready to see my students.
I'm not ready for the new semester.
My mouth is tripping over Chinese sounds... I'm out of practice.
I like being around peole who speak Chinese again!
Mel's plant and Danielle's rabbit both survived.
I forgot how to work my speakers.
I have a bed of my own!
50+ hours of travel is not my favorite thing on the planet.
I should email people.
I should upload pictures!
Traveling was good, but I'm so glad to be back.  Excited to see what next semester holds.

And ready to go sleep for a long time.  Good thing there's a week and a half yet till classes start...

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