One final down? you may be asking. I thought finals weren't happening for another week or two.
So did I. As scheduled, this week all of my non-English classes (students studying marketing, accounting, business administration, human resources, tourism...) were finishing up the last chapter in their text book. Next week we'll review for the final and talk about Christmas, and then the two weeks after that is when they'll take their finals.
Well, most of them.
Yesterday I walked into my HR class early and was chatting with some of them about the jiaozi (dumpling) making party that we're having in my apartment on Saturday evening.
"Excuse me teacher," said Kyla, Blake standing behind her. "He joined the army, so he needs to take his final today."
She said this in the same tone of voice that they use to comment on the weather or ask me if I've eaten breakfast yet. Matter of fact, in other words.
I was taken aback (to say the least) and confused (also an understatement.) Joining the army means that he needs to take the final today? Sorry, what? I hadn't even finished deciding that rubric I was going to use or actually thought much about administering the final. Fortunately, Hilary, Chandler and I had written the basic final last weekend since we teach the same grade level from the same book.
"What?" I said, sort of hoping this was their idea of a joke on their foreign teacher. "But the final isn't for a few more weeks."
"I know," Kyla told me. "But he joined the army, so he needs to take it today."
"I don't think that's possible," I said. (This is a pretty good answer in China; it is possibly the firmest negative you can give, while not really blaming the impossibility on anyone specific.)
Kyla was undaunted. "He needs to take it this week, our other teacher said so."
"Huh," I said, pulling my cellphone out. "Let me talk to my team leader and I'll get right back to you on that."
It was a surprise to Danielle as well that I had a student joining the army, but at least she understood the situation.
So... Blake took his final this afternoon. Giving finals is pretty fun for me (aside from grading) because it means that I get one-on-one time with each student. It also means that there is a time limit on this (which is a good thing with some students.)
Sometimes living in China feels like an extreme obstacle course. Something is always different than what I was expecting.
...such as the power going out for a few hours last night. It's back on now, along with the heat, for which I am VERY thankful!
Because I have a bunch of great pictures to share....
Here are some not particularly related pictures.
Hilary and I dyed my hair. This was a picture I took to satisfy a friend who was being impatient about seeing it. Question from my students (who I've been teaching all semester, mind you...) "Teacher, your hair... is it the nature?"
Sometimes my students' English runs out in the middle of a quiz, and then I get answers like this about American traditions about Thanksgiving: pum....... (something in Chinese which maybe mentions pie?)
Coming soon to a dining hall near you, for only 16 kuai... Exploding Chicken!
The library :)
What do you do when the power goes out? Head to a coffeeshop on the other side of town so you have electricity and heat. And then set your camera on the table and proceed to take pictures. Duh.
Please note the length of the spoon relative to the bottle of milk tea. Anyone else seeing a potential issue there?
I love living in China.
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